Dallas Market

Dallas Market


Where it all started, I on a whim decided to use my tax returns and go to the Dallas Market in March of 2023. I registered 402 Enterprises as my business and that was that. I asked my mom to go and it was our first trip together.

Day 1, we get there, I am beyond overwhelmed, I cried. This was going to be expensive. 15... FIFTEEN... floors of shopping, and not a single item was the same. 

Day 1 & 2 were just browsing and feeling items. I was finding brands I liked and wanted to possibly come back to. I was astounded by this experience and almost wanted to back out. But, that was NOT an option, I was already here. I was thinking, I have an idea, I'll just buy online when I'm ready. This little voice in my head said, "you have the rest of your life to work." But my heart pulled me otherwise. 

Day 3, I was swiping the credit card like no other, ordering items that fit the midwestern lady. I had to make an agreement with my mom that she now has to help me since I am in Lincoln during the week and packages were going to be showing up. She secretly loved it! But, it was real now, I have product and I need to get a return on my investment. 

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